About us
Hotel «Gallery Park Volgograd» is located in the city center, 10 minutes drive from the railway station. It offers luxurious and comfortable rooms, with free wi-fi, air conditioning, safe and a flat-screen TV. In addition, all rooms are equipped with mini-bar. All rooms of the hotel are created in the best traditions of English style, presenting a combination of comfort and rigorous refinement. The hotel «Gallery Park Volgograd» is a conference room for 40 people, a restaurant «Greenwich Pub», created in the best traditions of English style, where guests can enjoy delicious English cuisine. As well, guests can enjoy a spacious billiard room and bar. Soon: outdoor spa zone, which will include a therapeutic infrared sauna, fitness room, Manicure, pedicure, massage, beautician, a swimming pool with hydro and aero. «Gallery Park Volgograd» - is the embodiment of British tradition and home comfort combined with the latest technology and the highest level of service to ensure maximum comfort and a comfortable stay good time. The reception «Gallery Park Volgograd»-hour.
Additional services
fine dining in elegant
Spa & Fitness
Soak up the atmosphere of beauty, health and eternal youth!
Gentlemens club
cozy place for those who appreciate a peaceful dialogue, cigars and spirits
Sir Winston Churchill
- Laundry and Dry
- pick up from the airport and from the airport
- Business Center
- Laundry service
- Excursions
- Parking service on request
- CPA and fitness
- safe and mini-bar in each room
- Internet Wi-Fi