online booking system

Attention: The site is updating the description of the rooms

Standart DBL

1 2 20 m 2


Free wi-fi, daily cleaning

+ hotel service*
+ extra services**


Two-seats rooms «Standart DBL» have a double bed, hallway with closets, and a bathroom with shower or bath (by your choice). Besides the standart set of furniture, for your comfort stay you find there a table with two chairs.

In room

  • Double bed
  • Dressing table
  • Table with two chairs
  • Air conditioner
  • Flat screen TV
  • Phone
  • Fridge
  • Mini-bar
  • Safe
  • Hairdryer
* For information about hotel services, you can specify by writing to e-mail: or by calling: +7 (8442) 59-05-05 / 59-34-49 /
+7 (905) 064-53-33
** The list of all additional services depends on the tariff chosen by you. All the necessary information you can specify by writing to e-mail: or by calling: +7 (8442) 59-05-05 / 59-34-49 /+7 (905) 064-53-33


Additional services


fine dining in elegant

Bar «Coach & Horses»

great place to relax in the elegant interior with a wide choice of drinks

Spa & Fitness

Soak up the atmosphere of beauty, health and eternal youth!

Gentlemens club

cozy place for those who appreciate a peaceful dialogue, cigars and spirits

  • Laundry and Dry
  • pick up from the airport and from the airport
  • Business Center
  • Laundry service
  • Excursions
  • Parking service on request
  • CPA and fitness
  • safe and mini-bar in each room
  • Internet Wi-Fi